Vitamins For a Healthier, Stronger Penis

Excluding male enhancement pills, the most effective and safest way for you to get a bigger penis and improve your performance is to stick to a healthy diet. Smoking, for example, causes the penis to shrink, aside from other many harmful effects on your vital organs. Too much alcohol intake also causes such effects as impotence, and an increase in your overall weight, which indirectly also affects your penis size. How so? Excess body fat is distributed to all parts of your body. So if you are overweight, you will necessarily have fat deposits in your penis as well, which tend to push back the penis.

Natural Vitamin D

So how do you ensure that what you take into your body will not only give you a healthy body, but a stronger penis as well? There are certain supplements that are specifically recommended to improve the penis health. One of these is zinc, which is naturally abundant in bananas and is also available in pill form. Zinc promotes genital growth when you are younger, and also enhances the production of healthy sperm cells across all ages. If you are taking Zinc supplements, be sure to take them in the recommended dosages.

Natural Vitamin D

Vitamin E is another supplement that can promote penis health. It causes improvement in your body's overall blood circulation, which, in turn, causes you to have longer and stronger erections.

Finally, saw palmetto is another supplement that has become popular, especially among senior men. Saw palmetto helps maintain a healthy penis and keeps the prostate working efficiently.

Vitamins For a Healthier, Stronger Penis
Natural Vitamin D

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